Two girls blown up by callous Taliban saved by hero !

TWO little Afghan girls horrifically injured by a Taliban bomb have been saved by the determination and skill of a group of caring British soldiers and medics. Three-year-old Kamila and pal Wasila, six, nearly died after accidentally triggering an improvised explosive device (IED) as they played outside their home in Musa Qala, Helmand Province.Kamila took … More Two girls blown up by callous Taliban saved by hero !

Dog saves 11-year-old B.C. boy from cougar attack!

A golden retriever fended off a potentially deadly cougar attack when the animal began approaching a boy in a small town in British Columbia.On Sunday, as the dog recovered from a vicious fight with the cougar, Austin Forman, 11, recounted his dog’s bravery.Forman said that he was collecting firewood in his family’s backyard in the … More Dog saves 11-year-old B.C. boy from cougar attack!

Burj Khalifa tower-The tallest building in the world

The tallest building in the world has opened in the Gulf emirate of Dubai on 3rd Jan 2010.  But the 828-meter tower formerly known as the Burj Dubai has been renamed the Burj Khalifa, to honor the leader of neighboring Abu Dhabi, who gave Dubai $10 billion last month to help repay its debts. Not … More Burj Khalifa tower-The tallest building in the world

‘Miracle’: Mum, bub back from the dead

A FATHER is claiming a Christmas miracle after his wife and newborn baby apparently came back from the dead.Mike Hermanstorfer told how his wife Tracy went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing in a US hospital delivery room on Christmas Eve.Doctors performed an emergency caesarean section to try to save the baby’s life but then … More ‘Miracle’: Mum, bub back from the dead

Bihar grew by 11.03%, next only to Gujarat!

Bihar is India’s new miracle economy. In the five-year period between 2004-05 and 2008-09, Bihar’s GDP has grown by a stunning 11.03%, way beyond  the definition of 7% growth for a “miracle economy”.In this period, Bihar – traditionally a laggard state that actually saw a 5.15% negative growth in 2003-04 – is the second fastest … More Bihar grew by 11.03%, next only to Gujarat!